Please click on the pictures to access the websites for these missions, but please note that some missions do not have websites.
Project C.U.R.E.
Project C.U.R.E. has sent countless thousands of surgical gloves, needles, catheters, and hospital beds to a needy world after site visits to ports of entry and clinics, making sure that if supplies and equipment are delivered they are put to good use. Most of these donations were destined for a landfill or recycling center but instead are saving lives in other parts of God’s world. The church has been helping to send over 143 shipping containers loaded with medical supplies and equipment to 127 nations over the last 15 years.
Mision Peniel
Migrant Farmers Outreach Program
Volunteers from the church travel to Mision Peniel in Immokalee and Beth El in Wymauma serving migrant farm workers and their families. This is part of our support for Peace River Presbytery's Migrant Farm Workers Outreach Program.
In a joint ministy with other organizations we are striving to provide adequate housing for the least of us.
Thornwell Home for Children
Named for Dr. James Henley Thornwell, Thornwell Home opened its' doors on October 1, 1875 to 10 orphaned children. Dr. Jacobs' belief that God so willed and would, therefore, support the "endeavor" carried him and his beloved orphanage through the post-war years up until his death in 1917.
Cedarkirk Camp and Conference Center
A year round camp and conference center owned by the Presbyteries of Tampa Bay and Peace River. Cedarkirk is dedicated to providing a place for individuals and groups to have the opportunity for spiritual renewal and growth in a natural environment.
We strive to create a place free of distractions, where conversation around the dinner table, canoe trips on the river, and walks in the woods revive and feed your spirit. Our facilities are used for retreats, meetings, conferences, leadership training, camping, outdoor experiences, and more.

Geiger Global Mission Fund
Ms. Elaine Geiger, a past member of our church, founded this fund out of her love and passion for Christian education and Christian Mission. The funds are to paid in the form of donations made to schools selected by the mission committee. Funds have been sent to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and to two schools in Guatamala.
100 Women Who Care
We are a group of women who are interested in supporting our local community in the Greater Sarasota area by combining our donations to impact local charities.
As a group, we have the ability to contribute to the growth of our community in ways we never before thought possible and use Covenant as a gathering site.